The Dairy of a Revolutionary
Name: Boxer
From: Animal Farm
Personal Mottos:
"I will work harder!"
,"Napoleon is always right!"

May 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010
11:05 PM

Entry 6

~How i wish building windmill is as easy as this~

Dear Dairy,

After the windmill is ruined, it has become more and more challenging for everyone in the farm. We faced so many obstacles but I believe it is also a way to strengthen the unity of the farm. One day when the windmill is completed, we know that our hard is not in vain, everything is paid for, and surely we will reap what we sold.

Honestly, I do not mind taking more work but it would be better if food is plentiful. Recently, the ration has been readjusted, I do not know the reason why I feel exhausted easily and get hungry after awhile. I must be really old now, not as strong as before. No matter what I would still do my best for the sake of the farm. Completing the windmill has gradually become a dream for me, how I hope I can finish building it in one day!

There is a word I want to say to Snowball if I ever see him again – No matter what you do to the farm, we will not give up so easily. I will fight for the farm – even if when there is only me alone!!


11:02 PM

Entry 5

~Interesting picture with my two personal mottos!~

Dear Dairy,

Is Snowball really a traitor? Well, everyone in the farm including Comrade Napoleon believes that he is a criminal. He must be then! But why did he do that? It hurts me to know that my friend (before he became a criminal) has betrayed us. He used to be a hero in my eye; he fought so bravely at the battle of cowshed but. . . Was that an act put up by him?

Fortunately, Comrade Napoleon is willing to step out of his comfort zone to take up the tough job in leading the farm. I’m so glad that Comrade Napoleon is not against the building of windmill; I must work harder to make the lives of the animals better. As a farm we must prove to our enemy that we animal can also run the farm ourselves, we are not easily defeated!!

After so many things, I feel that everything is getting more and more complicated but I cannot actually figure anything out myself. I do hope that my mind is playing a trick on me, maybe I have thought too much?


11:00 PM

Entry 4

~Flag drawn by Comrade Snowball after the battle!~

Dear Dairy,

It is so unbelievable that I have killed a man during the battle of cowshed!! My unintentional act has caused someone to lose his life. I am really sorry! I wonder if anyone takes the body of the stable boy away because he was missing after I came back from the celebration! I thought maybe I could bury him and let him go peacefully but I could not even find his body! He must be so furious with me for killing him that is why he went missing!

Despite that I have killed the man; everyone else is in a mood of celebration! We have won the battle, we animals defeated the humans! If Old Major is still alive, he would really happy for us for achieving this great victory! Anyway I really miss him, I hope he is good in heaven maybe? I do not know.

I really hope that I would not hurt any other living thing because every life is precious.


10:58 PM

Entry 3

~Let's work hard together as a farm!~

Dear Dairy,

I am really delighted that the farm is running smoothly, though the work is hard but everything I do is worth doing because I do it for the farm, I do it for the animals. Even if it means I need to do the extra work and go the extra mile to wake up earlier to work, I am willing to sacrifice my time for the sake of the farm. This is the kind of life I have been dreaming about, I will work harder to make our lives better!

I feel that the pigs are really good; they are so generous that they are willing to teach the farm how to read and write. I thank them for their time and effort in teaching us! Regarding the milk and apple issue, I feel that it is totally alright for the pigs to reserve it for themselves, since they are the brain workers of the farm; they need extra nourishment to keep them strong and healthy.

All the way animal farm!


10:55 PM

Entry 2

~Burning the symbols of slavery!~

Dear Dairy,

I am greatly overwhelmed by a series of events happened recently. Life is confusing, there were times when I capered with joy but there were also times when I was drained of tears. Old Major has passed on; I did not expect it to happen so quickly, I. . . I hope it would never happen but I cannot change the fact that he is no longer here!!

Although it hurts me to accept the fact that Old Major has passed away, there is one event that worth of celebration - the Rebellion! It seemed so impossible initially but now we have achieved it. I had doubts when I first heard of the Rebellion but now they are cleared! Mr Jones and all his men were chased out. Even though they deserve to be chased out, I do pity them for losing their home. I hope they will learn their lesson and stop being so cruel to animals. I am looking forward to the new farm; I believe it is a new beginning, a new chapter in everyone’s life.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010
12:23 AM

Entry 1

~Old Major's Portrait~
Dear Dairy,

It has been a long time since Old Major last talked to us. I am really excited about what we are going to do after hearing from him tonight, but I am in doubt whether everything could change overnight if we got rid of human? I really do not know but I believe if we work hard, we will achieve what we want. I remember Old Major said that only when we overthrow the human then we will become rich and free. However I wonder if life would really turn better without man, there is no guarantee for the future just like what he said. In my opinion I think we should just work hard and obey what the humans ask us to do. Maybe it is our fault that harvest is poor? We should work harder to get better harvest so that man would give us more food? Although I hope that man would end up just like what Old Major said, it is safer to work hard to get what we want – more harvest = more food.
